Parking & Transportation
Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
Bus Service
Passes & Bus Information
Passes & Transportation
If your student needs a bus pass, pease complete the form below and send it with your student to the main office – it has all the information we need from you. Bus passes are not valid without approval from school personnel. To find bus numbers, stop locations and bus stop times - Click on the Bus Information Link below. Guest passes to ride to a friends house are not allowed until October 10th.
After School Activity Bus Information
Beginning Monday, September 12th, NSD will be providing after school activity buses from the high schools four days per week: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Buses will depart from the high school at 4:30pm. Up to 50 students can ride the activity bus.
Students will need to come into the Main Office to get an Activity Bus Pass. Activity Bus Passes are issued on a first-come, first-served basis due to the limited number of seats.The activity route does not have the same bus stop locations as the regular bus routes. Bus stops are limited to ensure all students are transported home in a timely manner and the cost to the schools are minimized. It is the parents' responsibility to select the stop closest to their residence and familiarize their child with this information in the event he/she needs to utilize after school transportation.
Campus Parking
Parking Info
Student Parking at IHS
Parking on campus is a privilege, not a right. Every student that parks their car on Inglemoor Campus, during the school day, must have a parking pass on display at all times. Inglemoor does not have enough parking to accommodate every student who would like a parking pass.
Who can get a Parking Pass?
Parking passes are for Juniors and Seniors, WANIC and Running Start students. Eligible students can purchase a parking pass with proof of car insurance and a current driver's license. You may purchase a parking pass with your learner’s permit, but you will not be issued a parking space until you show proof of your driver’s license. Due to extremely limited parking, we are not able to accommodate Sophomore drivers. If we have space available later in the year, we will open up parking registration to Sophomores.
Student Parking Expectations:
Student parking on the Inglemoor campus is a privilege. This privilege may be suspended or revoked for failure to meet IHS campus expectations, described in the student handbook, and/or failing to abide by the following guidelines.
Students who have concerns or wish to dispute parking tickets should first email the Parking Supervisor. Emails from students need to be sent from student email accounts. This is how we keep track of tickets and waivers. Parent emails and calls should only be made after this step has been taken, and if still necessary. Dealing with parking is a great way to practice real life skills before leaving high school.
Permit Visibility and Parking Spot:
Parking passes must be clearly displayed at all times or a ticket will be issued, and may only be used in the registered vehicles(s) - not in another student's vehicle. Students must park in their designated spots at all times. Students must register new vehicles prior to parking on campus. If there is any change to the information provided on the registration form, it is the driver's responsibility to provide these changes via email to or in writing to the Campus Supervisor.
Parking Pass Transferability:
Parking passes are non-transferable. Students may not loan, borrow, or sell a parking pass to another individual. Altering, copying, or counterfeiting a parking pass is considered theft, and discipline will be assigned accordingly. The student driver registered through this form is the ONLY student authorized to use the vehicle(s) and must take responsibility for their vehicle being mechanically safe and operated in a safe/mature manner. Careless driving and/or violating basic driving laws on campus, or in adjacent neighborhood areas, may result in disciplinary action and the loss of campus parking privileges.
Closed Campus:
Inglemoor High School is a closed campus. Student vehicles are to be parked upon arrival and removed following the student’s last class. Students, other than those who depart for special off-campus education, must have an excuse slip from the attendance office before they depart campus during the academic day. Seniors are allowed to leave at lunch, but need to go directly to their vehicle, leave campus, and be back on time. Seniors with excessive tardies coming back from lunch can lose this privilege. Parking lots are not open to students during the day other than as specified above. Vehicles are not to be used as lockers. Students may not leave campus without permission, including walking, or in a vehicle. Violations of this rule will result in revocation of parking pass for up to two weeks. Repeat offenders will receive disciplinary action which could include detention or Saturday school.
Students who choose to drive and park on Inglemoor campus do so at their own risk. The Northshore School District and Inglemoor are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property. Vehicles need to be secured to protect personal items.
Parking Courtesy:
Vehicles are to be parked within designated (lined) spaces. Care must be taken to avoid blocking adjacent parking spaces and/or fire and traffic lanes. Use of designated disabled parking spaces requires a valid Washington State disabled parking permit. Students who park in these areas without a valid Washington State disabled parking permit will be fined the maximum penalty.
Speed Limit:
The speed limit on IHS grounds is 5 MPH. Exceeding the speed limit, poor or reckless driving, driving on sidewalks, over barriers or curbs, or engaging in any potentially dangerous activities with a motor vehicle will not be tolerated.
If a student receives a campus ticket for a parking violation, the first offense will be $10, the second is $20 the third is $30 and possible administrative discipline. Any violations of traffic laws or criminal law will be turned over to the local Police Department. Students who consistently violate the school’s parking policy can have their parking pass pulled at any time for 1 week up to the entire year.
By registering to park at IHS, student’s cars may be subjected to a search if there is a suspicion of contraband items, other evidence of a student’s violation of the law, or rules governing student conduct.
2024 - 2025 Parking Permit Fee - $50
WANIC/Running Start Lot -$25
Space is Limited. Parking Pass registration priority goes to:
Running Start & WANIC Students (who do not have a NSD shuttle arrangement)
How to register for a 2024 - 2025 IHS Parking Pass:
Fill out the Inglemoor Student Parking Application form. Linked below (students must be logged into their student account to access the form.)
Print the permission slip, sign it, and drop it off in room 302 or the main office. If you need a paper copy, forms can be found in room 302 or the main office.
Approval emails will be sent within two weeks with instructions on how to pay. You will also receive an email if you have been waitlisted.
Information on your parking pass assignment and pass pick up details will be emailed to your student email account.
District Transportation
Contact the Transportation Department
- Phone: 425-408-7900
- Fax: 425-408-7902
- Email: