IHS Policies and Procedures
Important IHS Policies and Procedures
- What Every Viking Should Know
- Alcohol, Marijuana and other Drugs
- Attendance
- Cheating / Academic Honesty Code
- Campus Cleanup Guidelines
- Campus Security / Cameras
- Cell Phones / Communication Devices
- Closed Campus and School Boundaries
- Clubs
- Dress Code Policy
- FamilyID Sports Registration
- Grading Policy
- Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
- KingCo and WIAA Rules
- ParentVUE and StudentVUE
- Parking
- Progress Reports / Report Cards
- Searches
- Sports Schedules
- Student and Staff Rights
- Vaping
- Visitors
- Weapons
What Every Viking Should Know
★ Find a CLUB/ACTIVITY/SPORT you love and put lots of effort into it!
★ DON’T get a locker, you won’t use it.
★ FIND the best BATHROOMS.
★ Use EVERYTHING that is available to you (teachers, apps, etc.). ALWAYS ask questions. The TEACHERS do care, even if they seem scary and mean. TALK to them, they want to help!
★ DON’T be afraid to get a tutor. STUDY with friends. Make STUDY GUIDES as a group.
★ Watch out for the GREEN DOORS; they are dangerous.
★ Don’t feel pressured to take a certain academic route...we are all different and IHS has a LOT of classes to choose from.
★ Check the weather before leaving the house. Be prepared for all kinds of Washington weather.
★ BRING snacks and GUM to class. Be prepared to share.
★ Be SPIRITED!! Wear BLACK & GOLD on Fridays. Participate in spirit days, come to football and basketball games, go to dances. This is stuff you don’t always get to do after high school.
Alcohol, Marijuana and other Drugs
- 1st Violation – Any student in violation of this rule for the first time shall be excluded from classes for the remainder of the school day (if the behavioral violation justifies a classroom exclusion, as explained above) and attend a 4-hour Saturday school.
a. The student shall also register for ATOD class within 72 hours (parent must attend) or be assigned another form of education to inform students of the dangers of associated with alcohol, marijuana, or illicit drug use. (Please see exception below*) - 2nd Violation – Any student in violation of these rules for the second time shall be short-term suspended for ten (10) school days. This suspension may be reduced to a minimum of five (5) school days contingent upon student’s participation in the suspension reduction process outlined below.
a. If the student and parent agree, and the student undergoes an assessment performed by a state certified chemical dependent treatment agency qualified to perform drug and alcohol assessments, the suspension will be reduced to the minimum five (5) school days, subject to the student’s successful completion of; a drug and alcohol assessment, any follow-up treatment recommendations and student and parent/guardian attendance at the district drug/alcohol information class. The suspension will not be reduced, and the student will not be readmitted to school during the suspension period until the counselor from the approved program provides the principal or his/her designee with a written description of the counseling program developed for the student and a written statement that the student is enrolled in the program. The remaining days of suspension will be held in abeyance and, as determined by the building administrator, may be imposed if the student fails to complete the assessment and/or subsequent program recommendations in a timely manner. During a short-term suspension, a student may not attend school or participate in any school related activities which may include and affect graduation and companion activities. - 3rd Violation – Any student in violation of this rule for the third time may be suspended for ninety (90) school days. This suspension may be reduced to a minimum twenty (20) school days. Same as 2.a. above, for suspension reduction.
- 4thViolation – If there is a fourth offense, the student may be suspended a minimum of ninety (90) school days with the student’s successful completion of an alcohol and drug assessment and any follow-up recommendations.
*Any student in violation of this rule for the 1st or 2nd occurrence may be long term suspended for 11 days or more if (1) staff have first “considered” using other forms of discipline to support the student in meeting behavioral expectations, (2) the student commits a behavioral violation listed at:
RCW 28A.600.015(6)(b): An offense listed in RCW 13.04.155, which includes inhaling toxic fumes, a controlled substance, or a liquor violation, RCW 28A.600.015(6)(d): Behavior that adversely impacts the health or safety of other students or educational staff; AND (3) it is determined that returning the student to school before the end of the suspension would pose an “imminent danger to students or school personnel” or an “imminent threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process”. Long term suspensions can be imposed for a first offense, so long as each of these conditions have been satisfied.
Attendance Office - (425) 408-7210
1. Absence or late arrival: To avoid discipline, please remember to have a parent/guardian call or email attendance WITHIN 72 HOURS of the absence/late arrival. Absence = Missing 15 minutes or more of class time.
2. Early dismissal: Call in the morning or bring a note to the attendance office prior to the dismissal time. In order to prevent disruption of class time, parents should avoid last minute early dismissals.
3. Always sign in and sign out at the attendance office if arriving late or leaving early.
4. Any student wanting to leave school early due to illness must check out through the school nurse, not the Attendance office.
5. Parents are unable to excuse “on campus” absences. Example: You miss class because you are testing with another teacher. This type of absence can only be cleared by that teacher.
Attendance Policy
Inglemoor High School adheres to the Northshore policy of promoting the importance of regular school attendance as a fundamental means of encouraging achievement. Inglemoor High School has an attendance policy that assists students in meeting their school responsibilities. This policy seeks to accomplish four goals:
1. To encourage regular school attendance by students.
2. To clarify the importance of regular attendance in achieving class objectives.
3. To encourage teachers to develop lessons that make each instructional day important to the student.
4. To provide for continuity of learning, reinforcing needed skills as assessed by state-mandated testing.
Students accumulating unexcused absences will be:
1st Offense................................................... assigned school discipline.
2nd Offense.................................................. placed on an Attendance Contract.
3rd & Subsequent Offenses - A parent/student conference will be scheduled with all of the student’s teachers where the student will sign an individual contract and explain to administrators and teachers the steps being taken to improve attendance.
Cheating / Academic Honesty Code
Campus Cleanup Guidelines
Campus Security / Cameras
Cell Phones / Communication Devices
Closed Campus and School Boundaries
Loitering: For safety reasons, the following areas are to be free from students loitering so that others may pass freely. During passing periods and lunch, students are prohibited from standing in congested areas such as the walkways between 900, 800, 700 wings, and in front of the cafeteria restrooms.
Inglemoor provides a variety of clubs and activities for students. For an updated list of all clubs at Inglemoor and/or information on how to start a club please visit the IHS Clubs page.
Dress Code Policy
The primary responsibility for a student’s attire resides with the student and parents or guardians. Northshore School District and Inglemoor High School are responsible for seeing that student attire does not interfere with the health or safety of any student, and that student attire does not contribute to a hostile or intimidating atmosphere for any student.
Students Must Wear:
- Top: shirt/blouse/sweater/sweatshirt/dress/etc.
- Bottom: pants/sweatpants/shorts/skirt/dress/leggings/etc. Shoes; activity-specific shoes requirements are permitted (for example for sports).
- Certain body parts must be covered for all students. Clothes must be worn in a way such that chest, genitals and buttocks are covered with opaque (non-see-through) material.
- Tops must have opaque fabric in the front and on the sides (under the arms).
- High-school courses that include attire as part of the curriculum (for example, professionalism, public speaking, and job readiness) may include assignment-specific dress, but should not focus on covering individuals’ bodies or promoting culturally-specific attire.
Students May Wear:
- Hats, including religious headwear.
- Hats and other headwear must allow the face to be visible to staff, and not interfere with the line of sight of any student or staff. Hoodies must allow the face and ears to be visible to school staff.
- Fitted pants, including leggings, jeggings, yoga pants and “skinny jeans.”
- Midriff baring shirts (minimal skin showing).
- Pajamas.
- Ripped jeans, as long as underwear is not exposed.
- Tank tops, including spaghetti straps and halter tops.
- Sunglasses (but can be worn only outside - except for verified medical reasons).
Students Cannot Wear:
- Violent language or images.
- Images or language depicting tobacco, drugs, alcohol, vaping or weapons (or any illegal item or activity) or the use of same.
- Hate speech, gang or hate group association/affiliation, profanity, pornography.
- Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment.
- Visible underwear (visible waistbands or straps on undergarments worn under other clothing are not a violation).
- Bathing suits, tube tops, or sports bras as the only top.
- Helmets, masks or headgear that obscures the face (except as a religious observance).
- Accessories with sharp objects, spikes, etc.
Consequences for Violating the Dress Code Policy:
- First violation — change clothing.
- Second violation — change clothing and parent notification.
- Third violation — change clothing, parent notification, and referral to a counselor.
- Fourth violation — change clothing, parent notification, and lunch detention.
- Fifth violation — change clothing, parent notification, and two-hour Saturday School.
Continued violations of the dress code will result in progressive disciplinary actions. Adhering to our simple rules for student dress will mean students won't miss important class time when they leave to change. We appreciate parents reinforcing this message with students.
FamilyID Sports Registration
FamilyID is a secure registration platform for our sports programs. When you register through FamilyID, the system keeps track of your information in your FamilyID profile. You enter information only once for each family member for multiple uses and multiple sports. (www.familyid.com)
Grading Policy
Grade scale:
A = 4.0 A- = 3.7 B+ = 3.3 B = 3.0 B- = 2.7 C+ = 2.3 C = 2.0 C- = 1.7 D+ = 1.3 D = 1.0 F = 0.0 P= Pass
Percent (%) grading scale:
A = 93 – 100 A- = 90 – 92.9 B+ = 87 – 89.9 B = 83 – 86.9 B- = 80 – 82.9 C+ = 77 – 79.9 C = 73 – 76.9 C- = 70 – 72.9 D+ = 67 – 69.9 D = 60 – 66.9 F = 0 – 59.9
The grade scale is adjusted to round based on rounding rules.
A student’s grade point average is the sum of the point values, as defined above, of all the grades received for all courses attempted, divided by the sum of the credits for all courses attempted. Teacher Assistant and Office Assistant positions will be graded Pass (P) or No Credit (NC) and are elective credits.
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying or cyberbullying means any intentionally written message or image—including those that are electronically transmitted—verbal or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act:
- Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property.
- Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education.
- Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment.
- Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
KingCo and WIAA Rules
ParentVUE and StudentVUE
Quick Links:
Student parking is a privilege. Students without parking authorization will not be allowed to park on campus. Careless driving, speeding, and/or violating basic driving laws on campus will result in disciplinary action and the loss of campus parking privileges. Students are expected to enter/leave the parking lot from the designated entrance. Students are not to drive in the bus loading lot. See the IHS website or the IHS Policies & Procedures for further information.
- For student drop-off and pick-up, parents MUST use NE 157th St. to enter school grounds.
- Parents will use NE 155th St. to exit ONLY.
- NO drop-off or pick-up will be allowed at the NE 155th St. entrance. Only buses and those with assigned parking (as identified by a parking pass) will be allowed to enter campus at NE 155th St.
- See map below for driving route and new drop-off area, designated by the white rectangle (parking spots will be restricted until drop-off is complete).
you clears the intersection area.
Progress Reports / Report Cards
Parents/guardians may check their student’s progress in class and may view report cards through ParentVUE. The ParentVUE account is set up with a username and password created by the parent/guardian. Parents should contact the Counseling Office Manager at 425-408-7219 for the activation key needed to set up the account.
Students receiving “D” or “F” grades will receive a telephone call home to their parent/guardian. Mid-term progress reports are issued in the middle of each semester and mailed to all students. These grades are for information only. Senior year mid-term grades may be used as part of the college admission process, even though credits are not posted to the transcript.
Law enforcement and/or school officials may perform searches. Searches shall utilize appropriate information collection processes. Such processes would include but not be limited to canine-assisted searches, video surveillance cameras, breath analyzers, any drug/alcohol detection devices, person, and property searches which may include vehicles on campus.
(For more information, see the Northshore School District Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.)
Sports Schedules
All sport calendars can be viewed online at: www.kingcoathletics.com
Schedules are updated continuously, so please check back often.
Student and Staff Rights
Inglemoor High School is committed to a “safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, volunteers, and patrons, free from harassment, intimidation, or bullying.” The policy, reflecting state law, defines harassment, intimidation, and bullying as any intentional written, verbal, or physical act motivated by characteristics such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability which:
Register for ATOD class within 72 hours (parent must attend).
Three (3) meetings with PI at school.
Since Inglemoor High School has a closed campus, only students enrolled at Inglemoor are permitted on the campus during regular school hours. All adult visitors must immediately sign in to receive a mandatory I.D. Tag. Prospective students may tour the campus with the prior permission of the administration and teachers. The application to tour the campus must be completed and returned in advance of the guest's scheduled visitation.
It is a violation of Washington State Law for any student to carry onto school premises, school-provided transportation, school or District facilities any firearm, dangerous weapon, or look-alike weapon. Any infraction of this law will result in emergency expulsion from the Northshore School District. (For a more complete statement, please see the Northshore School District Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.)